平安伸銅 Heianshindo


We are live in a mature society now. It’s an era of excess material, and the importance of spiritual wealth is increasing rather than material wealth.
So what is spiritual richness? When I think about it, I think the answer is “my own way of life”. By allowing each person to be themselves and spend time in a natural way, it is possible to realize a “rich life” that suits the current times.
I decided to add “my own life” and “to the world” to the vision that has been handed down since our founding.
Bringing “my own life” to the world with ideas and technology.
We will realize this vision together with our colleagues who have gathered at Heian Copper Industry Corporation. And we will build a society where each person’s smile blooms.


  1. 伊勢藤 ISETO

  2. マーナ MARNA

  3. 市川木工 Ichikawa mokkou

  4. 丸幸中島 Maruko nakashima

  5. スガイワールド Sugai world

  6. NPS
